If you are coming off a low fixed-rate loan later this year, it might be time to start working out what the new interest rate could push your loan repayment up to. Owner-occupied standard variable loans’ current interest rates range from the high 4 percent to...
In today’s Flash Finance Update, I’m delighted to welcome Elizabeth Michael who works and owns City Pacific Lawyers in Victoria and has been a lawyer for about 30 years. We were discussing legal nightmares for first home buyers, and we thought we should...
In today’s update, we thought it would be fun to share with you what an exciting week this has been. What’s up this week? First off, we had an awesome time Wednesday evening hosting the webinar “How to Buy Your First Property in 2023”. Below is...
Today, I’m in Sydney on a master’s retreat for business with my good friend, Bernadette Janson of The School of Renovating. Bernadette and I have been talking about renovating for your retirement and how to make your retirement more comfortable. Learn...
There are many reasons why you might need to refinance and in today’s Flash Finance Update, Caitlyn briefly talks about refinancing and some different scenarios you might find yourself in and need to do this. Also, Caitlyn mentions some of the rebates available...