Home Loan Blog

In today’s Flash Finance Update, I’m delighted to welcome Elizabeth Michael who works and owns City Pacific Lawyers in Victoria and has been a lawyer for about 30 years.

We were discussing legal nightmares for first home buyers, and we thought we should share some of her insights into how to protect yourself and particularly some of the stories that have come up when clients have been in issues and why you might need a lawyer to review your contracts prior to doing too much.

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NB This advice is general in nature and please read our full disclaimer here.

Scam Text
Also check out this scam text that was sent to my son – he said obviously it wasn’t from me as I would never ask him for money – LOL!! It’s usually the other way around – ha!!






As always, if we can be of any assistance and you would like a one-on-one consultation for any loan type, please reach out and book a time here.




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