Mortgage Calculator

How To Use Your Borrowing Power Calculator

Have you been wondering… “How much can I borrow?”  Use this borrowing power calculator to get an estimate today.

All you have to do is add your income, expenses, and select the loan you are thinking of and we’ll provide you with an estimate borrowing capacity.

Enter your details for each of the sections below:

Important notice: All computations are for illustrative purposes and do not constitute advice or a guarantee of a loan approval.

Why Borrowing Power Calculators Are Just An Estimate

Borrowing power calculators are a great way to get a rough idea of how much you can borrow from your lender.  However, they are just that – a rough idea.  They don’t take into consideration all your loan eligibility criteria, which is crucial to knowing how much you can borrow.  In other words, it can’t give you an accurate answer because it doesn’t know your complete financial position.

This calculator is designed to give you an estimate of how much money you can borrow from a lender. Note that the borrowing power is calculated on a custom model which can differ from lender to lender. The purpose of this calculator is to merely give an indication of what a lender could offer you, based on some of your basic incomes and financial commitments. You’ll only know how much you can borrow for certain when you apply and receive conditional approval for a maximum borrowing amount on a loan.

Would You Like A More Accurate Assessment?

Our team at Property Education Company are experienced MFAA mortgage brokers.  With years of experience and access to a wide range of home loan lenders, we can give you an accurate assessment of your borrowing power.

Skip the guesswork. Get all the information you need today.

borrowing power calculator from Property Education Co Mortgage Brokers