I said GYM, not gin! When I told my son James I was buying a gym, he thought I said “gin.” Given my love for a good gin, it made more sense. After all, me and the word “gym” don’t typically go hand in hand. But several months ago, I...
We Just Saved Our Client $163,436.40! Ally recently met a client looking to consolidate her debts to a lower interest rate and release the equity in her existing property to purchase another investment. Not only has Ally been able to save this client $163,436.40 over...
Demystifying Loan Fees and Charges: Don’t get stuck in the fine print! Taking out a loan can feel overwhelming. Between interest rates, repayment terms, and all the financial jargon, it’s easy to get confused. But before you dive in, it’s crucial to...
Unsure How Much Home You Can Afford? Try Our Repayment Calculator! Dreaming of owning a home? We know the excitement and anticipation that comes with this journey. But navigating mortgage options can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s where we come in!...