Home Loan Blog

How well do you know yourself? Do you know your tolerance for risk and loss?

Before you embark on the investor journey, consider some of these questions.

IMPORTANT: These questions are to help you think about what is important to you if you were to consider buying an investment property. Your own investment needs clearly cannot be taken into consideration as the questions are of a general nature only.

Welcome to your Investor Quiz

You want to invest in property because...

How will you finance your investment property purchase?

I'll take only the amount of investment risk required to keep pace with inflation

How long do you plan on holding the property?

I'd be happy with a strategy that grows steadily and avoids sharp ups and downs

When it comes to investing, protecting the money I have is the No.1 priority

In how many years do you plan to retire?

The investment I am now considering makes up the following percentage of my total portfolio:

I always choose investments with the highest possible return

You most want to invest in areas that:

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