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October 2017 Update

Last night we held another research workshop and our keen and intrepid buyers got right to business, despite the distracting view of our beautiful Melbourne sunset. We reviewed key areas for infrastructure and transport options, checked vacancy rates at www.sqmresearch.com.au and then called agents to make offers. The really interesting part of this session was all Real Estate agents we called– no matter where in Melbourne they work from, north to south, all ANSWERED their phones out of hours – well out of hours. So what does this tell us?
Maybe they are just super hard working with no work-life balance or maybe the market is NOT as hot as the media would have you believe!
So make those low offers, using my proforma, and always feel free to call me for complimentary property reports and suggestions on where to start with your first offer! It’s better to start low as you can always go up but not down. Read how one young couple did this very successfully in next week’s Case Study.

The Keys to Successful Property Investment – Free Seminar with Terry Rider – Thursday November 2 at 6.00 pm

I’ll be at this Seminar so if you are available I strongly recommend you come along. Hope to see you there and make sure you say hello! Louise


Quote of the Day:

“How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.”

– Robert G. Allen

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