We had a sensational education packed day last Saturday – and here are some of the key points in case you missed it!
According to the vastly experienced and authoritative Scott Keck from valuers Charter Keck Cramer (who by the way have 35 researchers constantly reviewing the Australian property market), as the Australian dollar is falling and imports become more expensive for retail, there will be pressure to reduce costs resulting in limited wage growth and rents not increasing – so bad news for commercial property owners.
However, with steady population growth – particularly in the greatest city in the world (Scott and I heartily agree on this point) Melbourne, is where it is at!
He believes the northern and western suburbs of Melbourne are growth areas plus Frankston is worth considering, as unsavoury elements might have moved on.
If you would like to know more or book an appointment to discuss your circumstances, please call me on 0412 709 200
Have a great week!