Home Loan Blog

Recently I had the most incredible experience – trekking The Twelve Apostles Walk in Victoria.

Now for some incredibly stupid reason, I had this romantic idea that trekking was somewhat like the Sound of Music – beautiful vistas, gentle green sloping hills, and music. Instead, it was the endless tedium of the Aussie bush, the constant threat of snakes, leeches and ticks, and the heat and humidity of a perfect Great Sandy Desert summer. My Bad!! Oh, so My Bad.

Now I know many of you would love this experience and truly so did I, (the end of the day feet soaking cocktail hour a highlight)  but only because I met some of the most beautiful, generous, loving people in the world. In every group, there is always one dickhead, but by day three, I was looking in the mirror!! They assured me I was okay but I figured it had to be closer to home as they were all SO lovely.

Hands Across the Water

However, despite my now knowing Trekking is a hard NO for me – (I asked if I could pay and raise money NOT to go next time) my cause was good. I was raising funds to support “Hands Across the Water”, a charity started to support orphans in Thailand after the tsunami and is still there today helping people like my new sponsor child – Jip. Check out her story here!!

I am forever grateful to the wonderful human being – Bernadette Janson from The School of Renovating, who came along for the ride and supported me throughout. I am also hugely grateful to those clients, family, and friends who supported me with donations – GO YOU LEGENDS!!! We have raised over $30,000 so far and if you like the idea, please feel free to contribute.

Interest Rates in 2022

What’s happening to interest rates, you might ask, to start of this auspicious 2022 – the Year of the TIGER in Chinese culture? While we can still get an owner-occupied loan under 2% p.a – (comparison rate 2.04%), generally the cheapest loans now being offered are basic loans which mean no offset, no-frills, not fixed. Why? Well, you would tend to assume the banks must believe rates are going to move upward and they do not want to be caught lending money too cheaply. There are numerous advantages to basic loans in that they generally attract lower fees, you can redraw from them and pay in as much as you want as soon as you want. But ask us to go through all the options for you if you want further clarification. We always try to find a great loan for you out there somewhere.

NB This advice is general in nature and please read our full disclaimer here.

As always, if we can be of any assistance and you would like a one-on-one consultation for any loan type, please reach out and book a time here.

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