Home Loan Blog

In this Flash Friday Finance Update, I review rates on offer and give some guidance on how you decide what to do. So if you are worried about your current rate check this out.

Note while most lenders have raised their rates the same amount as the RBA in the most recent rise – 0.5%, servicing is also impacted. As we are in a rising interest rate market, and you are thinking of borrowing at some point this coming year, sooner will be easier than later.

In light of this, please save the date for our upcoming webinar called “How to Make Offers and Buy at Auction” which I will be hosting with buyer’s agent Ben Mitchell of Your Key Advocacy. You can find more details about this webinar below.

Watch our Flash Finance Update video on
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NB This advice is general in nature and please read our full disclaimer here.

As always, if we can be of any assistance and you would like a one-on-one consultation for any loan type, please reach out and book a time here.




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