Home Loan Blog

This week, we’ve got exciting news for first home buyers, particularly those with the lower deposit. NAB has just released another 1,200 places in the First Home Buyers Deposit Scheme, which means that there’s no Lenders Mortgage Insurance if you apply for a place in the scheme.

So, if you are in that position, check out our quick update below and call us urgently because we want to get you in and on and get a place as soon as we can because it’s really a great offer.

I also discuss briefly interest rates, they’re all talking about them inflation going up. I think our Reserve Bank is holding firm still at the moment, but it’ll be interesting to see. But fixed rates have also moved to the mid-two, that’s where the lowest you’re seeing at the moment. So give us a call if you want a review.

Also, we’ve attached our infographic below for what happened in 2021, in terms of who joined our business and number of loans, and who we looked after. So I’d love you to share and have a look at that.


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NB This advice is general in nature and please read our full disclaimer here.
As always, if we can be of any assistance and you would like a one-on-one consultation for any loan type, please reach out and book a time here.
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